The Importance of Building an Email List

If you are an Internet marketer, then you know that the number one thing required for a successful website is traffic. Without traffic you will not be able to make sales. So the big question becomes how do you get visitors to come to your website?

There are many ways to optimize your web pages to attract traffic. Good SEO is important, and if you are not familiar with SEO you should check into it. You can also use forum marketing, Facebook marketing and other social platforms to promote your site. Once you have visitors, however, it is important to hold on to them however you can. That is why the importance of building an email list is understood by so many successful marketers.

Of course once you have visitors to your website, it is important to have informative and compelling material there to make them want to come back. If they don’t like what they see, even an email list will probably not help you to get return traffic.

On the other hand, people who like what they read on your site will want to know what you have to offer next. If you provide them with a way to sign up for an email list it will not be hard to get people to join. Some marketers offer a free gift to anyone joining their email list, and that is not a bad idea. For instance, one website about dog training offers a free e-book filled with tips about how to get a dog to do basic tricks such as roll over, sit, stay and sit up. Find something in your own niche to use as an inducement to join your list.

Once you have set up an email list it is important that you use it. Your subscribers should get used to getting one to two emails from you each week. Remember, though, that they are not subscribing in hopes that you will try to sell them something. They are subscribing because they want more information and they think you will provide it. So most of your emails should contain just that — information. It is okay to provide a link to something at the end of your email, but it should not be the focus.

Also, don’t fall into the bad habit of asking a question or posing a lot of problems only to force your readers to buy something to get the answers. I don’t know about you, but when I get emails like that I quickly hit the “unsubscribe” button. It is alright to present a resource, but questions asked in your email really should be answered.

People will join your email list because they want to believe in you. Don’t let them down. Don’t abuse their faith in you. You can drive a lot of traffic to your website through an email list. Just make sure that the information you send your subscribers is information they want and are seeking. Once your traffic is flowing you will better understand the importance of building an email list.

Filed under: List BuildingTraffic Generation

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