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Welcome To My Blog!

Hi, I’m Venu – nice to meet you, and welcome to my new blog!

After years of struggling, I’ve finally decided to take some massive action…

So on this blog, I’ll be documenting my findings from my new journey into the Internet Marketing industry – including what works, what doesn’t work, and everything in between.

I’m all about giving value, so stay tuned for my step-by-step guides, video tutorials, and helpful tips to help you make your first money online.

Finally, to learn more about me, my story and how I’ll be helping you achieve your goals, please check out my About Me page.

I’ll be in touch,

K Venugopal

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    Affiliate Marketing Through Blogging

    Affiliate Marketing Through Blogging

    Making money online can be an exciting business to get into. It can be very lucrative and offers more flexibility than traditional employment. However, it can be difficult as well. There is a great deal to learn and a great deal of work to put into it. However, the rewards can be great.

    One of the most popular forms of making money online is with affiliate marketing. This is where a company will pay a commission to people who refer their traffic to them. Many people have made a great deal of money doing affiliate marketing. Many have replaced their incomes and do it full time. Others have used it as a way to supplement income in order to live a better lifestyle, pay off debt or reach other financial goals.

    One way to get into affiliate marketing is through the use of blogging. A blog is a website where a person adds regular content on a given topic. Examples of blogs include cars, moms, dads, toys, politics, and just about any other topic you can think of. The best thing to do is to just pick a topic you are interested in, do some research and start writing. After a while you will start building a following of people who regularly visit the site. This will be due to different content being picked up in search engines and being found by searchers. It can also occur from you actively promoting the blog through various techniques.

    Once you start getting traffic to the blog then you may consider joining affiliate programs in order to monetize the blog. You can find affiliate programs in just about any niche. The best place to start is with Amazon. They have been running an affiliate program for years and is one of the premier programs going. So, if you are running a blog on politics some items that may be good to promote on the site may be books, for example. Again, Amazon would be a good fit there. If you are running a blog on gardening, you may be able to join an affiliate program for Home Depot, Lowes or some other place that sells gardening supplies. The options out there are numerous.

    Once you are accepted into the affiliate program you can then start promoting their products on your blog. The more targeted the ads and links are towards your niche the more likely you will get people clicking on the ads. Then if they go to the other site and buy something you will receive your commission.

    Affiliate marketing can be a great way for people to make full-time income or supplement their income. It does require a lot to be learned, and takes a great deal of work. However, once it is set up and going it can be a business that pretty much runs on its own. It will take a little bit of regular maintenance, but other than that it can be a literal money making machine for those that are successful at doing it.


    Filed under: Affiliate Marketing

    How to Make Money Using Your Email List

    How to Make Money Using Your Email List
    Solo Ad Wizard

    Do you belong to an email list? If you do, do you receive regular emails from the person who owns the list? Do you look forward to getting them? If so, do you open those emails? These are all questions to consider when you start building your own email lists. The way you answer these questions will help you understand how to make money using your email list.

    Unless your website is really compelling, it is not easy to get people to keep coming back over and over again without some kind of a reminder. Having the ability to send your readers an email telling them about a new post you have made is a great way to build traffic. It is also a great way to present products to individuals that you already have a relationship with. The thing is, before you go hog-wild blitzing your subscribers with ads for products, think about the questions at the beginning of this article. What makes you open an email — more importantly what makes you act on it?

    Email lists are a great way to stay in contact with your readers. It is also a way to let your readers get to know you better and — when you do that correctly your readers will look forward to hearing from you. Let’s use an example to illustrate this point.

    Let’s say you have a blog on dog health and you have developed an email list of 5,000 subscribers. When you send them an email each week, why not include some little story or joke about a dog? Maybe the story is about your dog — real or imagined. Perhaps you call your dog George, and George is a doberman pincher who is afraid of his own shadow. Each week your email starts with a brief story about some new terror in George’s life — and his funny reaction when faced with it.

    If you got an email like that each week do you think you would open it? Sure you would. If you joined that particular list in the first place it would indicate that you have a love for dogs. Funny stories about George, the cowardly doberman, would be something you’d love to hear.

    At the end of each email you might include a link to your latest post. Maybe you could say something like: “By the way, I noticed George has been scratching at his ears lately. I did some research and found out what causes a dog to do that. I discuss it in my latest blog post.”

    No one would find that offensive and most people would quickly click through to find out what makes a dog scratch at his ears. Then, as long as your blog delivers the answer to the question, you will have happy readers. And these readers will keep coming back time and again. Happy readers are people who will buy products from you.

    Just using this quick story I hope we have helped you to understand better how to make money using your email list in the right way. Why not put some of these tips to work right away?

    Filed under: List Building

    How To Use Internet Marketing For Your Blog

    How To Use Internet Marketing For Your Blog

    If you are like everyone else on the net, you are trying to get more traffic for your blog. Since it is highly likely that you do not have the time to implement hundreds of ideas to help drive traffic, there are a few big internet marketing tips that you can follow to get big results.

    First and foremost, you need to focus on creating quality content. Great content will help to increase the likelihood of your blog gaining more inbound links from other websites.

    It will also increase the chance of your blog being shared on social media, and help to establish a following that will continue to return to read your information and share your content. All of this helps to contribute to each of your posts getting ranked higher in the Google listings.

    For each post that you write, do a keyword search. Decide on your topic that you will be writing about and then do research to find which keywords you should target in the post. You can easily use Google’s free keyword tool to do this.

    Not only will this show you which terms are searched more frequently and what keyword you should target, but the search can also help to provide you with new ideas for your future blog posts.

    Be sure to do search engine optimization (SEO) for each post that you write. If you optimize each post for one keyword, it helps the search engines to recognize the subject of the post and index it accordingly.

    Once you have the keyword that you are going to target, be sure to incorporate it into your page title, throughout your content, your meta description, your image ALT text, and your H1 header. Do not try to put to keyword in the post to frequently, (this would be keyword stuffing), just mention it a few times naturally throughout your content.

    You really do need to have your own domain name. If you do all this effort for SEO, it will be for nothing if your URL has or at the end. This gives tumbler or WordPress all of your SEO credit. Using a hosting service is fairly cheap, and all that SEO juice is credited to your efforts.

    Make it as easy as possible for your blog post to be shared in social media. You can do this by adding social media sharing buttons to each blog post that you write. This makes it very easy for your readers to be able to share the content.

    Google is now factoring in social shares into their search. This means that the more times your content is shared throughout social media, the higher your rankings for that content will become in Google.

    Providing your followers with great content, relevant subjects, and an easy way to share that content with friends will not only help to increase traffic to your site, but will help to maximize your internet marketing efforts and rankings.

    Filed under: Traffic Generation

    How To Get Started With Internet Marketing Skills

    How To Get Started With Internet Marketing Skills

    Internet marketing is something that a lot of people use to get the word out about something. Since most people are connected to the Internet everywhere they go, it just makes sense to use Internet marketing to your advantage. Here are some things you can do to utilize this.

    Figure out how to get yourself a website put together. You can either learn how to do this, or hire someone else to help you out. Web designers are fairly easy to find these days, and they shouldn’t be that expensive to hire depending on what you want done. Always check with a few different designers before making your decision. It’s also important that you check on their references if they have any work that’s already up online. There’s no reason to pay someone to do work that they can’t prove that they are capable of getting done.

    Try building up a list of contacts by asking your current customers for their email addresses. You can also put up a form on your website and ask them to sign up there. Be sure that you offer some kind of incentive for them doing this. Something like free shipping coupon codes from time to time, or something else that they can use to get your products and try them out. Always make sure you put some kind of an expiration date on your coupons and things so people don’t try to use them in the future when you don’t even have those things available any longer.

    Get involved with social media websites. You can easily set up a profile for any kind of a product or service and then allow people to follow what your business is up to. By just taking your time each day to update your profile a little bit, and speak to the people that have questions or concerns, you can start racking up followers that really start to enjoy what you’re doing as a company. Don’t forget to update people often, but also know that updating too much can be sort of a problem too.

    Make sure you study up on Internet marketing on a regular basis. Sign up to read technology blogs and news so that you can see when the next big thing is on the horizon. It will help you to beat out your competition if you’re able to get on with new technology on a regular basis. It’s never a good idea to just think everything is the same as it was a few years back, because in Internet time that is far more time than that. Something could change in a day that will change the face of the web forever.

    As you now can tell, getting started in Internet marketing is not terribly difficult. Just keep in mind the things that were gone over here, and everything else will fall into place for you. Just make sure you enjoy your success when it comes to you!

    Filed under: Getting StartedList Building

    How YouTube and Pinterest Can Boost Your Online Sales

    How YouTube and Pinterest Can Boost Your Online Sales

    Are you using YouTube and Pinterest to promote your online business? If not, then you are missing out on some very easy traffic. Both of these sites have the ability to deliver thousands of visitors to your site each week. All you have to do is use them correctly.

    The reason social media sites have become so popular for Internet marketers is because of the viral energy they create. Have you ever gone into YouTube and watched a video — and then noticed that it has had over a million views? It is not uncommon. How does that happen?

    Well, any time someone uploads a YouTube video onto their Facebook site and someone watches it, that is reported back to YouTube and listed as one view. If the video is entertaining and all of your friends turn around and paste it onto their Facebook pages, and then their friends see it and do the same thing — well, you can see how quickly the effect can explode.

    Imagine one viewer produces two; two produce four; four produce eight; eight produce sixteen, sixteen produce 32, —- in a matter of no time you are in the hundreds of thousands! You do the math.

    But what kind of videos get that kind of viral movement? Obviously they have to be videos that are funny, entertaining, newsworthy or shocking.

    Now imagine you put together a little video about your dog training site using a Windows program. If the video is nothing but slides about how to train a dog, your video is not going to be passed around. But what if you have a video about teaching a dog to dive off a high drive — and he does it! Do you think that might get passed around? How about a cute little puppy who refuses to give back his master’s slipper and keeps running away and trying to hide it? Videos like that can be golden!

    The same is true of Pinterest, although Pinterest features still photos more than videos (although you can load videos onto Pinterest). These pictures can be seen by millions of people. The viral effect comes when someone sees your picture (called a pin) and repins it to one of their boards. The viral effect can be astounding — and each time the picture is repinned, a link to your site goes along with it!

    Because most Pinterest users are women, the pins that get repinned the most deal with fashion, recipes, children and entertainers. Also high on the list are decorating tips. If you work in those niches, you can expect a lot of help from Pinterest. But even if you don’t, if you can find one of those subjects and still have it relate to your niche, it work very well.

    Using Pinterest and YouTube are great ways to get more traffic to your site. More traffic means more sales — so don’t overlook these two great resources.

    Filed under: Traffic Generation

    How To Promote Your Business via Internet Marketing

    How To Promote Your Business via Internet Marketing

    Developing a strong online presence for your business is an excellent way to boost your sales and reach out to a wider audience. Your Internet marketing campaign will help you generate an interesting income if you use efficient strategies. Go over the following article to learn more about Internet marketing.

    Start by defining what you want to accomplish via Internet marketing. If your goal is to bring more customers to your brick and mortar store, you should focus on local Internet marketing strategies. You could for instance list your business with different directories and make good use of Google Pages to advertise your business to a local audience.

    If you want to sell products to an online audience so you can broaden your horizons, you will have to provide your audience with a safe way to pay for the products they order. You will also have to find an affordable way to ship the products you sell. Share plenty of details about the shipping methods you use and make sure your customers feel safe about sharing their payment information with you.

    The best way to develop a strong online presence is to create a website or a blog so you can share information about your products. Write useful content to inform your audience about the items you are selling. You will get even more traffic if your site or blog is filled with useful information. You could for instance create some tutorials or share some news related to your field.

    Give your customers the possibility to subscribe to your updates. You should keep producing quality content as often as possible to keep people interested. Share links to new articles or video tutorials and let your audience know about new products. You can stay in touch with your audience by using email marketing or by creating profiles on the social networks your customers are likely to use. People will subscribe to your updates if they see your content as useful and valuable.

    A lot of individuals will not shop online because they have a hard time trusting online stores. If your goal is to sell your products over the Internet, you need to put a human face on your brand. Write about your experience and your work on your site or blog. Post some pictures of yourself at work on social media or produce your own videos so you can demonstrate your products to your audience. Encourage people to get in touch with you if they have any questions. You could for instance let your customers know they can email you their questions, contact you on social media or even call your number.

    These tips will help you develop a successful Internet marketing campaign. Do more research on your audience and on the different Internet marketing strategies you want to use. Monitor your results, for instance by counting the number of products you sell online to make sure your methods are efficient.

    Filed under: Internet Marketing Business

    Effective Internet Marketing Strategies

    Effective Internet Marketing Strategies

    Internet marketing is a business model that is done via the internet. The development in the fields of computer and internet has made it possible for people like you and me to start an online business with the least amount of capital and some knowledge about web marketing. It could be done from home and anybody with a knowledge on how to surf the net could start a small business on the net.

    The first thing to do is find something that you are interested in. If you have a hobby or you are an expert on a particular subject; you could use this knowledge to start your own internet marketing business. You could package this knowledge as an e-book and sell this e-book via your website or free blog. Creating a website or a free blog is not difficult as there are thousands of free resources on the net that would teach you to create a website or a free blog in no time.

    Once you build the website or free blog, you would need to promote this website in order to get higher ranking for it. Search engine optimization tactics would come in handy in such a situation. Google for search engine optimization and you would find plenty of free resources on how to do it effectively. There are other ways to promote your website or free blog on the net. Some of them are listed herewith for your convenience.

    1. Article Marketing – Writing articles related to your product and publishing them on article directories across the web is called article marketing. There are hundreds of quality article directories on the web that would accept your free article for publication. You would be allowed to link to your website in the resource box. This is another method of promoting your website to the people who are searching for your product.

    2. Pay Per Click Marketing – Pay per click or PPC is another method of advertising on the web. This method is not free and it would cost you money. You could advertise your website on Google, Bing or Yahoo by paying a fee. This is one of the easiest ways to get customers to your product. But, it would be very costly if you do not know what you are doing. So, do not use this method if you are not thorough with it.

    3. E-mail Marketing – This is one of the most lucrative methods of making a profit from internet marketing. You should give your customers a free gift from your website, in exchange for their email addresses. These addresses could be used to send them valuable information on the subject that they are interested in. While sending them information, you could promote other products that would be helpful to them. This could be done repeatedly, when you have a large email list.

    These are some of the most effective strategies that could be used to boost your internet marketing efforts and achieve success with internet marketing.

    Filed under: Internet Marketing Business

    Mistakes People Make With Internet Marketing

    Mistakes People Make With Internet Marketing

    With all the information out there, it is not surprising that people make mistakes when they are trying to put together a marketing plan online. In fact, some people think they’re doing the right thing, and feel discouraged when the system doesn’t work and isn’t working out for them. Here are some of the major mistakes people are making with internet marketing. Make sure you do your best to avoid these mistakes yourself.

    The first mistake people make is to not do any internet marketing at all. This is a terrible mistake to be making. It’s the same as those companies who opted not to do any tv marketing when in the early days of television. This is still very early in the life of the internet, and when you consider how much business you could be losing, you don’t want to be on the wrong side of history.

    Another mistake people make with regards to internet marketing is to not ask for help. If you don’t know what you’re doing, why not get a professional’s help? You may not think you can afford a professional, but there are many marketing consultants who are not as expensive as you might think. Not only that, but you can also head to forums for internet marketers. You can learn a few things if you hang around and start to pick things up.

    If you are hard-selling all the time on the internet, you need to head back to the middle ages. There is no reason to be spamming those you want to buy your products. They won’t like it. Do you like when a company posts ad after ad after ad on the social media site of your choice? You probably don’t.

    One mistake that a lot of people make is to forget the customer. People spend so much time trying to impress whatever search engine, that they forget about the people who actually buy the products. Go over your site and make sure that it is readable and relevant to those people you hope will be your customers. If people like your site, it will be a success no matter what your SEO is like!

    Another mistake that is rather common is thinking that marketing will produce instant results. It is not always like that. In fact, it is more often not like that. You have got to be patient. It is a good idea for you to diversity your marketing techniques, so that you are always working on something new to take hold.

    Yet another mistake that people make when doing internet marketing is not monitoring how their efforts are doing. When you don’t know what is working for you, and what isn’t, you are being inefficient. You will likely be spending time on something that isn’t serving you, and you won’t be amping up methods that you’re having success with.

    With internet marketing, you are going to have hits, and you are going to have misses. But if you follow the advice in this article, you will be able to avoid some mistakes that a lot of people have made. Avoid wasting time, and avoid the mistakes laid out here.

    Filed under: Getting Started

    The Nuts & Bolts Of Internet Marketing

    The Nuts & Bolts Of Internet Marketing

    Internet marketing has been pushed as the next big thing. It is suppose to be the land where single moms and teenagers are able to make millions with just an idea. I am here to tell you that it takes more than just an idea and more than just hard work to be successful at Internet marketing. Marketing on the Internet is a skill that takes time to develop. It’s not a skill like learning how to play the guitar but it is a mental skill, where you have to recognize marketing opportunities.

    You have to learn how to think about marketing and how it applies to the internet. There are also key concepts that you must understand such as chasing traffic, marketing to people when they want to buy and creating rapport with your audience.

    Before you start an internet marketing campaign, you need to know who your ideal customer is. What do have for sell, where do people who need your product hangout on the internet, and what problems do they have?

    Before you can make one penny from the internet you need to know the answer to those questions.

    Next you need to know what internet marketing is because it really is just an umbrella term. Online marketing can be video marketing on youtube, it can be social media based marketing via twitter or Facebook. Online marketing is also search engine optimization and trying to drive people to your site via articles and link building.

    Online marketing can also be paying for ad space via Google Adwords or buying banner on websites. You can even buy ads on Facebook. Internet marketing composes of all of these different places and style of marketing. You can try them all or maybe should specialize in one form of marketing.

    There’s a ton of money to be made on the Internet but it is far from easy. It is my opinion that some of the best Internet marketers are great at building a brand and building a relationship with their customers.

    What is different about today’s consumer should reflect in your marketing strategy. Today’s consumers are more knowledgeable, they have Google at their fingertips and they can learn everything about your product and where to find it cheaper. You can specialize in cheap services or you can focus on creating a rapport with them.

    People are more likely to buy from people they trust and I believe that is the most important thing that we have to remember about Internet Marketing. We have all these outlets to use to build rapport such as social media and few companies are using them in the right way.

    In closing, Internet marketing forces you to change the way you think about customer and business relationships. Companies and individuals who can create trust will make the most money and will have more repeat customers. There are many facets to Internet marketing from article writing, to paying for ads, to social media and video marketing. Find where you customer base spend their time on the Internet and advertise there.

    Filed under: Getting StartedInternet Marketing Business

    The Internet Marketing Business

    The Internet Marketing Business

    All businesses need to promote themselves. Internet marketing simply means promoting your business on the internet. However, if you do not have a business, this is a good way to make a business online.

    There are several ways internet marketing works. Basically you have to either have your own product to promote, or promote someone else’s (this is also called affiliate marketing). You can also setup a website and put paid advertising on the site. This way if anyone clicks on the ads you will get a small amount of money and while this doesn’t sound very lucrative, the ads clicks add up and you could end up with say one to two thousand dollars a year from just one website.

    With affiliate marketing you need to find a product or products to promote. To this end you will need to check out companies that are setup to help you do this., for example, offers digital products for you to promote with your own special Clickbank code. You will be able to research products on their website and also find out how much percentage of the sale you will earn. You can go to the website that promotes the product to check out their sales page. This way, if someone clicks on your affiliate link on your website with the Clickbank code, that visitor is immediately taken to the original website’s sales page promoting the product in question.

    While Clickbank is an option, you can also find other companies that do the same. Commission Junction, for example, promotes products in the same manner as Clickbank but they are offline products like juicers, clothes, even furniture. Another way to look for products is simply to type in the product you would like to promote plus affiliate program into a search engine. This way you will find companies that offer their own products for sale and you can help them sell them online via your own website.

    Of course, for this all to work you do need a website. Today this is not a hard thing to do. There are many companies in the internet marketing niche that will offer you website setup services and many more services, like getting traffic to your site, etc. Once you have your website setup, you need to write content about the product. This should be unique content. You can write it yourself or hire a writer to do it for it. Services like e-lance or fiverr or are some of the places to help you do that. Then you need to add your affiliate links into the content and you are ready to go. All you need now is visitors to come to the site! This again is another whole chapter. You can get visitors by posting on forums in the niche with a link back to your website. You can write articles about the product using relevant keywords and post them on article directories. You can also use social media, like Twitter and Facebook.

    If you are diligent and do this correctly, you may have an nice income stream from internet marketing. Be patient and don’t give up your efforts.

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